Our expertise

We are on WeChat!

Our long, well-established experience in China leads us to recommend WeChat to our clients approaching the local digital landscape for the first time. Our first-hand experience confirms such advice. Our followers appreciate a well-constructed Official Account where users have direct access to all the useful information about our work, an appealing and recognizable visual identity, a Contacts section to easily reach out…

Quality contents, appealing graphics and perseverance are the main ingredients of our presence on WeChat, the first things we recommend to our clients, too. As well as regular posts to spread updates about our activities and news about the marketing&communication environment in China.

Following us, you’ll get to know Yixing’s history and team, news about our fields of work, successful case histories and tangible examples of our expertise; you’ll have insights into our everyday job and understand which supports we may offer to your company.

Scan the QR code here below to visit our WeChat account!