Here Shanghai

For many people the official lovers’ day, Qixi, remains the preferred occasion for showing their love through expensive gifts, food treats and flowers and the surge in consumption on that day proves it. But 5.20 is undoubtedly gaining popularity, especially among the younger generations. May the 20th is the young netizens’ Valentine’s Day. Originated from the internet, this unofficial festivity is based on the pronunciation: the Chinese pronounce for “five two zero” (wu er ling) sounds like ‘I love you’ (wo ai ni). The perfect day for getting married and the waiting line in front of the government office for marriage certificates can last hours.

That’s why your WeChat friends’ profiles are exploding with love messages and cute photos: the social media are the place where to celebrate “5.20” festivity, through dedicated articles, posts, gifs and so on. Not only an occasion for youth to show affection to their significant other, but also for brands to promote their products: Bulgari, Prada, the inclusive beauty brand Fenty Beauty and the millennials’ favourite Mo.Co are spending resources and creativity in their WeChat engaging campaigns on the “official” Chinese Valentine’s day: is the same massive strategy to be expected on the 5.20 as well in the future?

We bet so, for the epidemics boosted online shopping and social media campaigns, as well as the craving for celebrating. The perfect tools for brand wishing to take advantage of such a highly digitalized festivity are the WeChat Mini-programs, sort of mini-apps inside the WeChat platform offering advanced services to the costumers, such as activities management, coupon purchase and e-commerce. The Mini-programs are excellent tools for the brands to interact with their clients, to sell their products directly and to launch new collections. Moreover, they’re fast, easily accessible through the WeChat main page and allow companies to avoid developing their app. A must-have, isn’t it?