Here Shanghai

Along with Guijiang Road – one of the best locations in town to admire cherry blossom, azalea, soapberry and Chinese rose, which are at their best between March and May – for any garden lover, the Expo 2010 venue is not to be missed as well, especially in Springtime. 10 years after the big event, the site is completely converted and now hosts various locations in a natural oasis, with a park including iconic settings, such as the Expo Garden, the Greenhouse Garden, the World Flower Garden and the Grand Opera House. Closed the dark period of epidemics and lockdown, Shanghai can make the most of the park at last.

The mix of nature and architecture is now a well-established trend, as shown by the Nine Trees Future Art Center, the first forest theatre in China. Located in the ecologic area of Fengxian, it’s a breathtaking location where forest, architecture, nature and art meet perfectly and hosts theatres, art exhibitions and creative centres. For anyone interested in the topic, the Green Architecture & Construction Materials Expo, whose next edition will be held in Shanghai in July, is not to be missed. Energy production and consumption, ecofriendly building materials and innovative safety systems will be the core focuses of the event, which will be accompanied by a series of concurrent happenings such as conferences and panel discussions. Unmissable occasions for the professionals, who should plan now their participation in those events, to make sure they have the best communication strategy.