
Zhihu, a gold mine for B2B

If you ask someone for information about one topic – from a certain food product to how to paint your home’s walls – he’ll likely suggest: “Ask Zhihu”. Zhihu is the most successful Q&A platform in China, where people look for any kind of information, from gossip to highly professional specific matters.

Ok, but what makes Zhihu so special? Its high effectiveness in spreading high-quality contents and the virtual never-ending value of its posts, in opposition to the fast rate of the other social media hot topics. Launched almost 10 years ago, Zhihu has been growing the most in the last couple of years and it now counts tens of millions of users.

Of course, to make the most of your investment in Zhihu, some requirements must be fulfilled. First things first, the high-quality of your contents: the posts – copy, photos and animations – must provide trustful and useful information. Being also visually pleasant and entertaining is a plus. These elements are the most important factors to succeed, as it’s the interaction of users that guarantees the spread of your post. Direct promotion is not the best ideal, but visibility is an effect of good contents and word-of-mouth. For this reason, staying faithful to your identity and values and being recognizable is essential.

How? By planning a coherent and consistent digital strategy online that would take into account your corporate identity as well as the peculiarities of your sector and of the platform the contents are aimed at. It may sound complex, but we’re here to simplify the process to help you reach your goals, turning Zhihu into your best ally.